Becoming a Learning Organisation

By kerri.price | January 18, 2022

It’s no secret that providing opportunities for your people to learn, grow and develop is essential for staff engagement. However, while I’d like to promote our suite of in-house workshops and professional development as your one-stop solution, there are countless other ways you can provide learning opportunities for your team. Becoming a learning organisation is […]

Are You Really Excellence-Driven?

By kerri.price | January 12, 2022

Over the last year I’ve helped dozens of Senior Leadership Teams articulate their values and develop a team charter that describes ‘the way we do things around here’. However, while every team—and every company—is different, there are some values that have regularly bubbled to the top (albeit described in slightly different ways). One of the […]

67 Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask Their Team

By kerri.price | January 3, 2022

As a leadership coach and facilitator, the most important part of my job is to ask good questions. As a leader, that’s the most important part of your job, too. Asking good questions is not about sending out a survey or having a prescribed set of questions you roll through during 1:1 meetings. Asking good […]

Year End Reflections 2021

By kerri.price | December 30, 2021

For many years I have reflected on four key questions at the end of each year. Recently I was sharing these questions with a client, and she mentioned that she was always fascinated by other people’s reflections—and challenged me to share mine online.  So, after a day of reflection and goal setting, here are my […]

Your Role as a People Leader (Pt 1)

By kerri.price | December 30, 2021

Becoming a Manager or Team Leader is a big step, yet often people end up in the role without any clear idea about what’s involved. Often their only experience of leadership is that of being led, so it’s no surprise that new managers tend to mimic the practices they have experienced themselves. That’s all well […]

Building a Strengths-Based Team

By kerri.price | December 6, 2021

For many people, the world of psychometric testing is not new. If you’ve been in leadership for awhile, you’ve probably gone through the process of finding a colour, symbol, letter—or combination of letters—that most accurately describes your personality or behaviour. You may have completed your Clifton Strengths, your MBTI, your Insights or your DiSC profile. […]

Creating a Values-Based Culture

By kerri.price | December 6, 2021

All organisations, whether for-profit or for-purpose, have an underlying culture or way-of-being. Usually that culture has grown organically, and as a result, it’s often not articulated as culture. Instead, people experience an unspoken expectation of ‘the way we do things around here’. For some organisations, ‘the way they do things’ is healthy, respectful and trusting. […]

Keeping Meetings On Time and On Track

By kerri.price | December 6, 2021

Having regular team meetings is an essential part of building a strong team and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. However, poorly run meetings are a waste of everyone’s time and only lead to frustration. If you are responsible for chairing team meetings, keep in mind the following advice. Have a Clear Purpose […]